10 July 2009

Ardan Michael Blum tips to achieve Online Reputation

According to Ardan Michael Blum to achieve the online reputation for a web site, the seo should work on the following things,
  • Select two keywords per page by referring various keyword suggestion tools viz... wordtracker, keyworddiscovery, google adwords etc...
  • Pick the top words which has got more traffic to it and at the same time choose the keywords which is present only in less no of pages (i.e.) the keywords selected to have more traffic with less resources.
  • Get links from pages which has got a good page rank.
  • Prefer href links with rel="follow" and bold keywords.
  • In addition to this, get atleast 15 inbound links per keyword, Thus the page will get indexed for that keyword.
By, following these rules I am very sure to say that your site will get pops up in the first ten of the organic search results for your keyword. There by building online reputation for your site along with your keyword.

08 July 2009

Robots Meta Tags

This tag is meant to help webmasters who cannot control the robots.txt file at their sites. It provides a final attempt to keep their certain pages out of search engines and other web utilities to protect sensitive content or "under construction" pages. (Note, as mentioned in a previous article, if you are using a robots.txt file, please ensure that it is not empty. Some bots interpret this NOINDEX,NOFOLLOW for the entire site!
  • INDEX means that robots are able to include this page in search engines.
  • FOLLOW means that robots are able to follow links (spidering).
A value of "NOINDEX" allows links from the page to be spidered, even though the page itself is not indexed. A value of "NOFOLLOW" allows the page to be indexed, but no links from the page are spidered. A value of "NONE" tells the robot to ignore the page.

default = "ALL"

Meta Description Tags

<META NAME="description" CONTENT="Description of your site">

The page description is usually produced along with the page title in the organic results pages (SERPs) of a search engine query. Some search engines use the first few lines of text on a page as a description if this tag is absent, so also ensure that paragraph one of your page is relevant.

As with the Keywords Meta Tag, be careful not to repeat terms too often to avoid rankings being penalized. This tag is not only used for search engine spiders, but also may be the text that appears as a result of an Internet user's search engine query. Here is the challenge - to create a description meta tag that not only is attractive to robots, but also to humans.

Keep your most important terms at the beginning of each description meta tag statement and try to have a different relevant statement for each page of your web site.

It is very important whenever you submit your sites in directory which will be given as the summary of your site in directory search results, similar to that of search engine results.

Meta Keywords tag

< meta name="keywords" content="metatags,keywords,description,definition" >

This should be a comma separated list of relevant words for the search engines to index your page. These words should reflect your site's most important theme. Be careful not to repeat the same keyword too often - 3 occurrences is a safe benchmark and this includes word variations. Some engines perceive heavy repetition to be "spamming the index" if used try to use it keywords with phrases without any grammatical errors in it.

Do not use words that are not relevant to your site. Many search engines will blacklist you if you do. Phrases such as "meta tag definition," are considered one keyword. When surfers enter queries into search engines, they will utilize phrases to help narrow down results. So think about the phrases that you would use if you were looking for subject material such as your site has to offer.

Keep your most important keywords and phrases within the first 100 characters of this statement.

Capitalization is not so much an issue as most Internet users tend to use lowercase text when submitting queries, but it may be a consideration when it comes to locality names. This is a difficult aspect to judge as some search engines do not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase and it is easy to go over the 3 word limit by using such variations.

Some search engine optimization professionals use commas between keywords and keyphrases, but others recommend against this practice as it takes up valuable space. As with a number of search engine optimization topics, this is hotly debated so you may wish to experiment.

Wherever possible, try and use a different keyword statement on each page. Due to black hat techniques the keyword tag was not included by Google it was still used by few search engines. Hence, try to utilize it to a great extent.

Search engine optimization and the meta keywords tag:

Long ago in Internet time, the meta keywords tag was very useful in helping pages to win on search engines. Unfortunately, so many unscrupulous webmasters (black hat seo's) have abused the meta keywords tag that search engines have had to de-emphasize their importance. Still, you should not leave the meta keywords tag off your pages.

Meta keywords tags should adhere to the following guidelines: (1) keep your list of keywords or keyword phrases down to 10 - 15 unique words or phrases; (2) separate the words or phrases using a comma (you do not need to leave a space between words separated by commas); (3) do not repeat words or phrases; (4) put your most important word or phrases at the beginning of your list.

Copyright issues of Meta tags

Remember that Meta tags, like all other material on the Internet is bound by copyright (whether a copyright notice is utilized or not).
Be careful not to copy and paste another persons tags, brand name, trademarks directly into your code without some heavy revising.
People have been prosecuted for doing so when found by the author and if he complaints via DMCA.
In case, if any of the licensed article, registered trademark, content, Images, brand name is used without getting any copyrights or permissions then the webmaster who used these unauthorized items may get punished by the Digital millennium copyright act, when a complaint is received to DMCA by the webmaster of the copyrighted item with enough proofs.

To know more details about the copyright and DMCA: Wikipedia DMCA

Importance of Meta tags

If you aren't utilizing Meta Tags in your web site's pages, you may be missing out on valuable traffic and therefore paying customers!

Meta tags are the sections of your HTML that provide direction and information for search engine robots. To get the best rankings possible in some search engines, be sure to use meta tags in every web page. Meta tags are not viewable to Internet users unless they examine the source code of your pages.

Unfortunately, many site owners abused Meta tags and search engines stopped using them as means of ranking sites for quite a while, but this situation has now changed. Of the tags mentioned below, the most important is the "description" tag.

The process of Meta tag development is half science and half magic, and this document is only a primer. Mathematical formulas are now in common use for developing keyword statements.

There are 4 types of meta-tags –
  • Title - This is the text that appears in the title-bar of your web browser.
  • Description - This is a quick summary of the information on the page.
  • Keywords - These are words that are important in the page
  • Robots - This helps in keeping certain files out of index.
In addition to these uses, we can use Meta tags to Redirect pages and to specify the version of html/xml used.

06 July 2009

Seo Increasing Page Rank

The site's page rank will get increased in all major search engines based on the following factors. which includes,
  • Get inbound links from relative sites which has a good page rank probably around 7-10.
  • write unique and good content automatically you will get links from other sites pointing your article or blog.
  • Avoid getting paid links search engines can easily sort out the paid links since the paid linking site links to all the sites despite of their actual domain.
  • Submit your pages to major search directories and try to get indexed by them. Since, directories are the best source of one way links to your site.
  • Reciprocal links can be build with those sites which has relative contents.
  • Use PPC services to get indexed since search engine like Yahoo and it's result feeded search engines will index our site quickly once we go for the PPC and paid inclusions. Consider this only for quick marketing for new sites since yahoo considers aging of site to index and all the new sites will be placed in the sand box. This method is expensive.
  • Update your site regularly atleast once in every week with original content.
  • Offer e-books and video tutorials to attract your visitors to your site.
  • Publish your site updates in social networking sites where you can get more visitors from your related community to your site. which is a form of viral marketing technique.
Thus, by following these seo tips you may get your site in the top organic results with high page rank there by increasing the traffic to your site.

Bad Seo Ideas

There are certain bad seo ideas which you should not rely on to get traffic or to improve page rank and organic result position in search engines. They are,
  • Do not rely on Meta tags:
Since the black hat seo's played a lot to stuff more and more keywords in the meta tags inorder to get high page ranking and top organic search results the crawlers were updated to avoid the meta keyword tags with keywords stuffed in it.
  • Avoid using hidden text:
Many black hat seo's tried to increase their keyword density by adding hidden text through out the pages inorder to get more reliablity and importance to that page for that keyword but now a days since the search engine algorithms are updated the crawlers or bots will find the hidden text and text such as blue in black background which will disturb the human to view that page, then it will measure the keyword density of that page hence it won't be indexing those pages and declare it as spam resulting in deindexing.
  • Don't try to get paid links to your site:
Never, ever try to get the paid links to your site in order to gain the page importance of your site. Actually the page importance will get increased only when you write unique content automatically people from other blogs gives a link to your article or blog and in the mean time the links from relative pages only gain the page importance again the links from irrelevant pages to your site may declare your site as spam and won't show up in top results more over your site may get deindexed from the search engines.

hence, try to get rid of these bad seo ideas inorder to gain the traffic from search engines.

23 June 2009

How to make blog load faster

Once when our blogs took long time to load then our blog visitors may skip visiting our blog. Here is some of the tips to speed up the load time of the blog,
  • The no. of posts displayed in a page can be set to a maximum of 10 posts per page. Since when the no of posts get increased the content will get increased and hence the load time may also get increased.
  • Avoid using third party javascript widgets in your blogs since it may take a long time to load.
  • Avoid using videos and images in your blogs or if you use images optimize it either by slicing the image or reducing the quality of the image.
  • If we use third party services for images then we can use Picasa, Photo bucket etc to upload images and those links can be given as source link in our image link or else we can add a slide show from our web album in the side bar of our blog via picasa widgets.
  • If we use CSS then include it in the top header portion of the blog html since the external css may also take some time to get loaded.
These are the optimization tips for your blogs to improve the load time for your blogs.

Tips to create effective Blog

We can get enormous amount of benefits by creating a blog, but all it happens only when we write and promote blog in a effectively. Here is some of the tips to create effective blog,

Create great content:
  • Write well and often. A frequently updated site encourages people to return - as long as your content remains relevant and engaging. Instead of updating a blog daily with some rubbish contents update your blog at least weekly with a good and unique and useful information for users.
  • Follow webmaster guidelines in your blog to reach the people easily via search engine by optimizing the text, images and other high end graphics in your site.
  • Categorize your post with labels which will be easy and useful for the visitors to navigate and read the topics of their interests.
  • Make sure that crawlers and other bots finds your blogs on your site. Give link to blog from your home page and include sitemap page.
  • Avoid comment spamming, since the comments on your blog can help create a sense of community and discussion. Unfortunately, some spammers use the comment functionality to flood sites with spam.
Make sure that the readers and crawlers find your content:
  • Creative descriptive title to each posts in your blogs, it will attract visitors and each blog title can act as a page title and attracts search engine crawlers .
  • Connect with your online community, visit community blogs and forums participate in discussions and contribute your knowledge to answers and suggestions devoted to your subject matters along with your site's link for their further references. Which will increase the popularity and new visitors to our site.
  • Publish the feeds for your content, It is one of the effective way to reach your subscribers and search engines to intimate that we have updated our site with a new content. It will be intimating the crawlers to visit and index our updates as well as intimates our subscribers about the updates if they are interested then they may visit our site. It helps a lot in the perspective to attract new visitors to our site.
Thus follow these guidelines to build a effective blog to enjoy the benefits of blogs. In addition to these benefits once when we post a question in our blog the relative searchers may find the answers and post it in the comments hence helpful for us in gaining knowledge easily.

Importance of Blog

If you have a site but don't have a blog consider for creating a blog in your website. Since, Blog plays the important role in communicating with people of same interest about your products or to publicize your site or product. When your blogs are attracted by people then they may repeat visiting your site hence improving the conversion rate, avg. time on site. The following are the advantage of using blog,
  • Hence as a result our sites web traffic will get improved.
  • The subscriber list may also get increased.
  • conversion rate will be improved
  • Attracts people of same interest hence pulling unique visitors and more new visitors to our site.
  • Easiest way to publicize our products and our policies.
These are the various advantages of using blog in websites.

Blocking Google

If you have pages with secret, private and confidential information which you want to prevent it from indexed by Google, Yahoo, Msn and other major search engines. Then we have no of options to do so, they are as follows,
  • If you want to maintain and keep your confidential data in your server, then you can place them in a password protected directory. Since Google bot and other spiders won't be able to access the files in those protected directories. For eg., If you'reusing Apache Web Server, you can edit your .htaccess file to password-protect the directory on your server. There are a lot of tools on the web that will let you do this easily.
    This is one of simplest and effective way to prevent bots from crawling and indexing all our secret and confidential informations.
  • By using Robots.txt file to control the access to files and directories in your server. The Robot.txt file tells the bots and other crawlers which files and directories in our server should not be crawled. We need root access of our host in order to use the Robot.txt file.
  • We can also use Noindex meta tags to avoid our site single pages from getting indexed from bots and other spiders. The no index meta tag has to be placed in the header portion of the html page.
  • To block images from getting indexed then use, < meta name="robots" content="noimageindex" > in the head of the page.
Though we use Robot.txt file and meta tags to prevent getting listed in search results, The bots will go and find information from directories and other sites linking to our sites and our page title may get indexed and show up in search result. Hence we strongly recommend to use password protected directories in your server to store your private and confidential informations.Thus we can prevent our confidential and secret informations from getting indexed from bots and other search engines.

15 June 2009

Working with Images

Images are plays a important role in creating great user experiece.
  • With image search, just as with web search, Google's goal is to provide the best and most relevant search results to our users.
  • Use High quality images at the top of your page to attract visitors.
  • The text embedded in images cannot be crawled or find by the bots. Hence avoid embedding text in images.
  • Name the images properly with informative file names (e.g.) "Gandhi.jpg" instead of "I0001.jpg". Since the crawler will give image results based on the name of the image given.
  • Load all the images related to the site in seperate subfolders while uploading.
  • Give detailed alt attribute for images. Since alt attributes are crawled by the bots and used as a keyword.
  • Provide good context for your images by gathering all relative and unique information about the images in the text area around the image, caption and title for image.
Protecting Images:
We can protect unauthorized use of our images by,
  • By writing a water mark above the image.
  • Add copyright text for your images.
  • Make your images available under license that requires attribution.
  • Provide a HTML snippet that other people can use to embed your image on their page while providing attribution. This snippet can include both the link to the image and a link to the source page on your site.
If you don't want search engines to crawl your images, then use a robots.txt file to block access to your images.

14 June 2009

How to build High Ranking Pages

In order to build a high ranking pages,
  • Provide high-quality content on your pages, especially your homepage.
  • Write content for visitors and not for the search engines and crawlers.
  • If your pages contain useful information, their content will attract many visitors and entice webmasters to linkto your site.
  • Make sure that your inbound links do not contains nofollow tags in it.
  • It is must to get and give internal and external links to pages with relative contents only.
  • Try to get links from pages with high page rank.
  • Don't use javascript, ajax,frames, flash and more images, If used then check your site with lynx like text browser to see how complex it is to crawl your site by bots.Use only text.
Things to avoid,
  • Don't stuff your page with too much of keywords since keyword density will lead to spamdexing.Avoid Cloaking and Doorway pages.
  • Block your duplicated pages using robots.txt to avoid crawler to crawl that page.

How Google Works

whenever we search for a query in Google it gives relative and immensive information from web pages matching the search query which searchers did. Hence it is must for an SEO to know, how Google process the query and fetch its relative results (i.e.) Understanding Google is much more important. Let's see how Search Engine works,

All Search Engines do the following process regularly to give the matching and updated results for an search query,

  1. Crawling
  2. Indexing
  3. Search Results
All major search engines has a software program called spiders or bots. which will be sent around the internet and it will be continuously monitoring for new web pages and updates for indexed sites regularly around the internet. In case if the bot finds any new pages or updates it will crawl through them and fetch the pages and all the contents in those pages and add those pages to index.
If the crawler finds any links to other pages in the crawling page then it will add those Url's to the list of pages to crawl.
Major search Engines won't accept payment to crawl your page regularly, hence it is must to update our site regularly to get crawled and indexed.

The crawled pages are stored in huge server in sections or categories, based on the keywords and relative contents which they find in those pages along with the title tags, meta description tag, alt attributes and heading tags in it. It ranks them over there based on their inbound links and also by compiling and comparing those informations found with its relative pages and information in their database fetched earlier by bots from other pages.This entire process is known as Indexing.

Search Results:
The search results are produced as a result of matching information for the search query given by the searcher to the search engine. Generally, all the results will be realted to the search query.
Major search engines gives Related Searches, Spelling Suggestions, and other keywords. These features are designed to help users save time by displaying related terms, common misspellings, and popular queries.


A sitemap is a page which will contains links to all the pages available in our site.
  • It plays an important role in an seo's perspective/point of view.
  • It helps our visitors to navigate and inform about all the pages through out our site
  • It helps crawlers to crawl all the pages since it links are given in the sitemap which will be followed by the bot and get indexed. Hence all our pages will get indexed.
  • Avoid using rel="nofollow" in the href links in sitemap page.
  • Do stuff proper keywords in the links available at sitemap pages.
Generating Sitemaps:
  • The sitemap.html page can be created by using html language with href links in it and can be added as an additional page to our site.
  • The sitemap.xml file can be prepared and submitted to the search engines to find and index all our pages in the site.
  • It can also be generated using sitemap protocol which is available in lots of sites(third party tools).
  • Google generates sitemap for our site for free of cost using it phython script which can be submitted all major search engines.
  • It can also be a text file "sitemap.txt" in std. UTF-8 encoding format with one url in a line and not more than 50,000 url's in a file. However we can generate and upload "n" no. of text files.
In addtion to these regular sitemaps we can also submit RSS feeds and Pod casts to get indexed and reach our customers and crawlers.you can also create Sitemaps designed to give Google like search engines, information about specialized URLs which includes,
Video Sitemaps
Mobile Sitemaps
News Sitemaps
Code Search Sitemaps

Improving Conversion Rate

The process of turning our visitors into customers will result in the increase of conversion rate. The following tips will help us to improve our conversion rate percentage,
  • Give user friendly navigation in your site.
  • Indicate your site visitors about where they are currently in the site by highlighting.
  • Add "sitemap.html" page to your site. which helps a lot for the visitors in navigating and referring the site.
  • Prefer a short description about the content or artice in the beginning, if they are interested they may gothrought the entire content/article. Since large para at the beginning itself will bore the customers and some of them may also leave the page/site.
  • Give a good and original content and update them regularly.
  • choose proper title and description for your site since it will only show up in search result it should be attractive and gives brief description in short about our site in order to attract the visitors to our site.

    Thus by following these guidelines it will help us to retain our visitors as regular customers. There by increasing the traffic and no of users to our site and thus improving the conversion rate.

13 June 2009

Link building directory

The following are the list of link building directories which will be backlinking to us without any reciprocal links. 


Use these directories to add backlinks to your site. But remember one thing the incoming links from high page rank (7-10) site only will yield a good page rank to our site.

11 June 2009

Top SEO Tips and Tricks for building a seo friendly page

Here is some of the top seo tips and tricks to get your site listed in the top or in the first page of the organic search results and to create a seo friendly website/ page. Follow, these instructions even before you start to design your website, which will give the efficient output for your site in search result and search engine visibility.

The Seo tips includes Refining keywords,
  • It is the first step to be taken, Decide your topic or goal for which you are going to design a website.
  • Write a summary about the topic which you decide. The summary may include all the content which ever you know about the topic and start to gain more information about that topic or your goal by referring various resuources (books, friends, Internet, scholars etc...)
  • Now, at this point you will be really confident and clear about what you are going to do since you have collected all related information required for developing your site.
  • Analyze your content/summary for your keywords. collect more related keywords by doing keyword research.
  • Once you have collected the keywords it might be in 100's or even 1000's, so it is important to refine your keywords.
  • Refine the keywords to get effective keywords, which is the ratio of the popularity of the keyword to that of the no of pages the keyword is used.Refining the keyword is the most important seo tricks. since, we are going to optimize our site only for these keywords which is targeted for high reputation with less usage of these keywords in others site.
  • Remember to take only a maximum or 5 to 10 keywords alone as a result of refined keywords.
  • Avoid Keyword spamming which may caused due to keyword density.
Now, do the following with your refined search engine optimized keywords,
  • Prefer Domain names or url with your keyword stuffed in it. This is most important seo tricks which helps you a lot in producing your organic search results.
  • More over, we can also search the url in search engine by using "allinurl:keyword" and "inurl:keyword".
  • Include your refined keywords with in your title tag which will also plays an important role in bring up your site in search result and indexing. It is a white hat seo tips for ranking.
  • The title tag will appear in the browser head and also in tab. we can also search the title tag by using "allintitle:keyword" and "intitle:keyword".
  • The Meta Description tag is another important tag considered for the effectiveness in search engine result in the perspective of an seo.It is a good seo tips and tricks to include the refined keywords in Meta Description tag and form a grammatical error free sentence/phrase.
  • The Meta Description tag plays a important role in search engine organic results.since, it is only the Meta Description tag which will be displayed as the summary for our site in our search results.
  • For the sites with out Meta Description tag, The summary will be created automatically by the search engine itself by collecting information from the content, title etc... and it will build a short description about our site by croping and editing those collected information.
  • The Meta Keyword tag can also be filled with those optimized and refined keywords in it.
  • But, the meta keyword tag is not used by major search engines since its algorithms are updated since, many black hat seo's misued the meta keyword tag it is not considered by the search engine.
  • However, the Meta Keyword will be useful when the site doesn't contains any text (i.e.)It will substitute the text to our page to search engine for the web pages which was built only with images, flash, java script and without any text in it.
Designing a SEO friendly page,
  • Write content in your site with keywords scattered in your site. with more keywords in top and bottom and medium in the middle. It is a wonderful seo trick to get your site indexed and ranked in a better position.
  • Don't prefer flash, Javascript, images and image mappings in your menu bar. Since these elements cannot be crawled and indexed by search engine. In case if such elements are included then add text links of the menu bar above the footer area which will help a lot for the search engine to navigate and index all the pages in your site. A good seo tips.
  • Add text hyper links scattered through out the page to related sites as external links and also to your sites other pages internal links. Do this only to pages which have related content to your site's content.
  • In case if Images are used in your site, try to reduce the no of images in your site since it will increase your sites load time and images cannot be crawled and indexed by search engine.
  • If Images are used, put them in a seperated subfolder and properly name them since it may produce result in image search for your site and at the same time use alt attribute for images with proper keywords related to the image which will help in the search result.
  • Never use, Flash and java script inside the content since it cannot be crawled and indexed by search engine.
  • Don't prefer photoshop templates for your site since it will contains only images for your site.
  • since flash sites are known for its look and feel it can be optimized(flash site optimization)
  • Avoid using frames within the pages since bot will get confused to index which page. since every frame consist of a seperat html page.
Seo tips and tricks for Dynamic page:
  • In the case of Dynamic pages, the URL consist of many special characters which cannot be crawled by the bots and hence cannot be indexed in search engine results.
  • Hence it is must to optimize the Url without any special characters in it and with keywords stuffed in it.
  • Which will helps a lot in the seo perspective for those dynamic pages to get indexed.
These are the various seo tips and tricks which when followed will be helpful in creating a seo friendly web page which will be indexed and crawled by bots happily. Thus improve Google Page ranking and Indexing for your web page.

09 June 2009

E-Marketing - Tips to Drive Traffic to your site

Driving traffic to our site is most important in order to succeed in your website. Though you have got good content it will be useful to all only when visitors comes and visits your site.Here I've given some tips to improve your page traffic via E-Marketing. Traffic can be driven through few ways and can be classified in to,
  • Direct Traffic: It is the traffic arrived or driven to our site once we are popular (i.e.) Once our site and our content is made popular the visitors will be remembering our site URL and will visit our site by directly typing the url in their address bar.
  • Referral Traffic: It is the traffic driven to our site through the referrals of our site which may mostly happen by social networking sites, blog directories, PPC, etc...
  • Search Engine Traffic: It is the real traffic to our site (i.e) around 50% of our site traffic is driven through Search Engine either by Google or Yahoo which can be achieved by submitting our site to search engine.In order to drive traffic through search engine we should optimize our site through seo with proper keywords in site through keyword research.

In addition to these tips we can drive traffic to our site by giving free ads in free classifieds sites through E-Marketing, which can be achieved by SEM pay per click and also by submitting our site to various free blog directories which will be coming under the Referral traffic.

The free classifieds sites available on the web includes,

(i) www.adpost.com : Free classifieds with over 10,000,000 views a month and thousands of replies daily.

(ii) www.classifiedsforfree.com : Classifieds for free is an online ad site for business opportunity, personal ads, automobiles, real estate, etc.

(iii) www.usfreeads.com :: Providing high traffic, high response free classifieds.

(iv) www.usnetads.com : Post your ad at this high traffic website for FREE! No sign up. No email confirmation. Your ad goes online immediately.

(v) www.webclassifieds.us : Place your free ads in front of millions of eyes instantly!

(vi) classifieds.yahoo.com : Post free classifieds ads or search for classified ads in Jobs, apartments, housing, tickets, for sale, personals, and computers and internet etc.

(vii) www.adoos.us : Free local classified ads.

(viii) www.clickindia.com : A site to post free buy sell Indian classified ads online.

(ix) www.vivastreet.co.in : Free classified ads in property, jobs , property , dating,computers and internet etc.

(x) www.click.in : Free online Indian classifieds. sell, buy, find .

(xi) www.adeex.in : Classified India, free Indian classifieds, free India classifieds, place classified newspaper ads, real state, for sale, yellow pages.

(xii) www.olx.in : OLX offers free local classified ads in India. OLX is the next generation of free online classifieds.

(xiii) www.indialist.com : Free Indian classifieds - online India classified ads advertising listings adpost india classified ads web directory .Post free classifieds in Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai, and all cities of India.

(xiv) www.locanto.in : Locanto offers free online classifieds in all major cities in India. Browsing, reading or posting classified ads is free.

(xv) www.adanad.com : Free classified ads, webmaster resources and software, Submitwolf, Inktomi paid submission.

(xvi) www.mirzaslist.com : Free classified with country targeted ads.

(xvii) www.usfreeclassifieds.com : Free classified. Place your classified ads here - Huge traffic, active buyers and tens of thousands of fresh daily visitors ensure your items sell fast.

(xviii) classifieds.sulekha.com : The largest online classifieds portal.Post a free ad and get instant responses.

(xix) alamonet.com : Alamonet free classifieds is absolutely free. You can post anything you want and make changes anytime you change your mind.

(xx) www.expressclassifieds.in : Free online classified – Post and search classified, free ads, advertising in business, property, matrimonial, computer, shopping, education, jobs & more.

(xxi) www.freeadscity.com : Auto, real estate,computer, pets and other classified ads. Registration not required. Full year run ads. Easy to use.

(xxii) www.indiaclassifieds.com : Free India Classified, Free Indian classifieds, Free India classifieds, Place classified newspaper ads in any Indian newspaper, yellow pages.

Targetting your ads to country which are densely populated,like India,U.S etc is the great E-Marketing trick to pull traffic to your site. By placing your ads in these sites you will get traffic to your site as well as you will get indexed by most popular search engines since all these sites are crawled by crawlers or bots regularly.

Another E-Marketing tips to drive traffic to your site is building reciprocal links (i.e.) link exchange by mutual agreement of webmasters you have to place their link in your site and vice versa.

Few sites which offer reciprocal links are,
(i) http://www.bravenet.com/webtools/exchange/: People display your site and you display theirs.

(ii) www.easyhits4u.com:Fair 1:1 exchange ratio.

(iii) www.trafficg.com:Free website promotion (100% free traffic).

(iv) www.trafficexchangedirectory.com:A directory consisting of everything about traffic exchange.

(v) www.startxchange.com: Manual traffic exchange.

(vi) www.clickthru.com/hotspot:Guaranteed unique visitors.

(vii) www.trafficexchangelist.com:Comprehensive list of all the traffic exchanges online.

(viii) Link Exchange - Reciprocal Link Exchange Directory - Web Directory.
Increase Link Popularity, Free Links Trade, Build Reciprocal Linking.

(ix) Reciprocal Links Directory- A reciprocal link directory.

(x) eMarketing Blogs Directory - Listing of Internet marketing blogs. Find a quality blog in our directory or submit yours.

List of websites running reciprocal links schemes.




Directory shock





Join social networking site or discussion forums.start a discussion about the topic your website deals with and most important ,leave links during discussion which directs to your website.

(i) Facebook : www.facebook.com

(ii) Myspace : www.myspace.com

(iii) Orkut : www.orkut.com

(iv)Twitter : www.twitter.com

However the search engine algorithms are updated and Forums won't add traffic by helping our site to get indexed since the webmasters includes the nofollow link in the comment sections of forums.

These are the various E-Marketing tips when follow will surely brings/drives traffic to your site.

29 May 2009

seo-Brief Summary

  • Search Engine Optimization cannot be achieved not only by adding various tags which includes Meta description, keywords, title, img alt attributes etc...
  • It is must for us to collect keywords via keyword research & analysis and try to use them in proper ratio in your sites such that keyword density doesn't increases or decreases in our content.If keyword density increases it may lead to spam-dexing.
  • We have to maintain proper links inside and outside our page with keyword phrase in it.
  • It is better to use text links than Image links which is better than Image mapping
  • We should be clearly knowing the basics and difference of seo and sem
  • We shouldn't follow or avoid using Black hat seo techniques.
  • We should include both onsite as well as an Off-page Seo.
  • We should submit our sites properly to major search engine and directories.
  • Link building plays a important role in SEO. We can search and find our competitors link via Backlink Analysis and approach those sites webmasters for links or else we can also fetch links by this simple tips and tricks for getting backlinks.
  • We can achieve traffic quickly to our site via search engine marketing. There are various methods available to achieve SEM.
  • We can improve our site page rank by following these simple tips and by bookmarking our site in social network and also by submitting in various blog directories.
  • Flash sites can be avoided but yet due to its rich look it can be optimized via following the seo tips for flash sites.
  • Try to maintain a Document along with a log in what ever you are doing to achieve seo, submission, backlinks & page rank
  • Search Engine Marketing Glossary.

28 May 2009

Free Blog Directory List

These are the free blog submission directories, where you can submit your blogs in order to improve traffic and page ranking. The Blog Directories includes,

Free Social Bookmarking Sites list

These are the list of free social bookmarking sites, where your sites can be bookmarked in order to gain links as well as page reputation or popularity. The social bookmarking sites are,

19 May 2009

SEO for Flash Sites

Though there are many disadvantages of using flash build sites it is preferred because of its rich UI. The Flash sites can be indexed with high page rank by the following the steps given below,
  1. Use meta Description tag, which includes all possible details about the company with proper keywords integrated in it.
  2. Use meta keywords tag with all possible keywords related to your organization or blog in it.
  3. use SWF2HTML converter, which extracts the anchor tags and text from the flash and feed it to the crawler or bots.
In addition to these steps, the Off-page SEO plays a great role in Indexing and Ranking Flash build sites,
  • Getting more no of Inbound links with proper and relative keywords in its anchor tag.
  • Building no. of internal links with keywords in anchor tags.
  • Creating and submitting articles related to our site content to various article directories.
  • Writing various blogs related to our content under our main or sub-domain.
  • By posting a comment on Forum with relative topics. (include your sites url in those posts)
Black hat SEO for Flash sites:
The Black hat technique includes,
  • Writing as much as text related to our flash content behind the flash in Z-Order which can be read and viewed only by Robots and not by human visitors.

Disadvantages of Flash Sites:

Though the flash sites look rich in appearance it has got numerous disadvantages in the perspective of an SEO. The diadvantages includes,
  • Flash code cannot be read by crawler or bots, since they find the code to be complex or confusing they just skip the flash.
  • Generally, the Flash build sites consist of only one page within which all information about the organization is included.
  • It requires high band width to load easily, hence loads very slow for normal browsers.
  • For Dynamic sites it is very tedious process or complex to include flash in their pages.

16 May 2009

Tips & Tricks to get Back links to Your Site

The following are the ways through which we can add backlinks to our site. They are,
  • Book mark your pages in social bookmarking sites with proper keywords and keep track in it.
  • Submit your articles to various site e.g. Ezines
  • Submit your RSS feeds to various sites.
  • Write more blogs related to your site and give links to your site.
  • Write about your sites in Forum and Message Boards.
  • Give press releases constantly.
  • Include interesting features and contents in your site.
  • Submission of pages to Directories.
  • Commenting about our sites in blogs, which is an effective way to get backlinks.
The Backlinking is the most important feature required to get higher page rank and it comes under the Off-page SEO.The tricks Includes,
  • The use of link checking software such as Optilink in our competitors site.
  • Thus analyzing his sites backlinks.
  • By knowing the sites which gives backlink to our competitors site we can approaching that sites owner or webmaster to give a link back to our sites.
  • If possible we can also ask them to remove our competitors links and give our site link.

Tips to Improve the Page Rank

There are few tips which when followed our site will get high page rank. They are,
  • The site should have back links from pages or sites which have higher page rank(7-10).
  • The content should be unique and updated regularly.
  • RSS feeds can be given for hot and original content.
  • The more is the bookmark higher is our site page ranking.
  • Add Del.icio.us buttons in the pages with sensitive articles or pictures.
  • Give keywords and title relative to the page content.
  • Do not stuff more keywords which may lead to spam-dexing.
  • Try to give national press release which will be sensational and more traffic will be found when a press release is offered.
  • Add links to pages which have relative and good content. Such that, the viewers come directly to our site where all cumulative information and references can be found by them.
  • The Higher is our traffic, higher the page rank.

Del.icio.us - A Social Bookmarking

  • Del.icio.us is an social Bookmarking site, currently owned by Yahoo!
  • We can Bookmark all our favorite site by logging into Del.icio.us.
  • Thus saved Bookmarks can be opened and viewed by us not only in our own pc browser, but also we can enjoy monitoring our favorite sites from any where through internet (i.e.) by logging into Del.icio.us we can see all our book marked sites.
  • Through Del.icio.us we can also see others favorite site unless they marked it as public.
  • We can add those who have relative taste in our network in Del.icio.us and can also monitor those sites which are favorite for them.
  • Thro' Del.icio.us we can also share the favorite sites to our friends.

Del.icio.us & SEO:

  • The most important perspective of Del.icio.us is that, it can improve page ranking to our site (i.e.) the more the bookmarking higher the page ranking.
  • From the SEO perspective, we can collect the keywords from the Delicious tags.
  • By adding Del.icio.us bookmark tag in our site may attract few visitors who are already familiar with Del.icio.us and think our site as a branded one.

15 May 2009

Site Submission to Google, Yahoo, Msn, ODP

Once we have done the on-site SEO with full functionalities enabled and good looking UI (i.e.)Design.Now, it's time to submit our page to the various search engines such that it could get indexed and can be found in search results when found in keywords.
Submit your sites to the Search Engines using the following links,
While submitting pages to directories yahoo dir and odp navigate to the respective directory and click suggest url to submit pages

Landing Page Optimization

A landing page is the page on a website where all traffic is directed to, from a specific search, display or email campaign.The landing page should have the following qualities,
  • Focusing traffic,
  • Quick Loading,
  • Easy Navigation,
  • Separate and dedicated page,
  • Ad content and site content should match,
  • Landing page must have call to action.

Google Page Rank

Page Rank is a based on ranking algorithm measured between 0 - 10 introduced by Google. Every search Engine viz., Yahoo, MSN, Google uses it's own page ranking alogrithm to index and rank pages.

The Page Rank is calculated by the following methods,
  • The Page ranking is calculated by the page reputation through the no. of inbound links to our website. (i.e.) It works based on the keywords and content of the site pointing/linking to our site.
  • The Page rank is calculated based on considering what others (other web sites) think and comment about our site. Which will help us to gain the page reputation and importance.
  • The no. of inbound links to our site can be calculated by searcing "link:our URL".
  • The higher the page rank of the linking site the higher the page rank.
  • It is recommended that to maintain a good quality inbound links.
In earlier days, page rank is calculated based on the keywords and content with keyword density and relativeness scores a good page rank.

Website Promotion

Website promotion is an integral part of running a successful online business. Promoting your site on the internet follows the similar principle to promoting any business, listing you business in business directories, making sure people know about your business, news letter drops etc.There is one main benefit of Internet promotion and promoting your business on the internet, it can and will happen much quicker than offline!. Website promotion includes,
  • Search Engine Submission,
  • Directory Submission,
  • Search Engine Optimization,
  • Paid Search,
  • Trusted feed,
  • E-mail Marketing.

Link Building - The Fundamentals

Link Building is considered by many experts to be the most important aspect of Search Engine Optimization today. Link building is simply the practice of getting other websites to link to yours. A link, also known as text links, backlinks, and hyper links, is simply a clickable line of text (or image) on a web page that, when clicked, will bring the “clicker” to another website.

Building Links include directory submissions, article submissions, social bookmarking, press release distribution and more. All of these tactics build targeted, one-way links for a website. The biggest drawback with link building is that it can be a very extensive, time-consuming task to perform.

SEM for Instant Results

The SEM will show the sudden improvement in SEO results. There are various search engine marketing techniques which includes,
  • E-mail Campaign
  • Viral Marketing
  • Network Marketing
  • Google Adwords
  • Yahoo Overture

Reorts to be maintained by an SEO

The monthly and weekly report helps us to monitor the constant improvement of our site in getting traffic, page ranking etc. The various reports to be maintained by an SEO are,
  • Pre SEO Report
  • Report Summary
  • Daily Activity Report
  • Link Building Report
  • Link Popularity Report
  • Keyword Ranking Report
  • Traffic Report
  • Visitors Tracking Report
  • ROI Report

Off-page SEO

The Off-page SEO will be improving the page indexing and page ranking by building incoming links and article submission etc.It enhances and improves the visibility of site to search engine. The off-page seo process includes,
  • SE Submission
  • Directory Submission
  • Article Submission
  • Blog Submission
  • Social Bookmarking
  • Video Submission
  • Software Submission
  • Googlebase Submission
  • Forum Posting
  • Contest Submission
  • Threeway Linking
  • Paid Links
  • Link Bait
  • E-book Submission
  • Press Release Submission
  • Reciprocal Link Building

On-site SEO

The process of doing on-site SEO will delivers a good set of keywords and better content to both the search engine and visitors. It includes,
  • Original and Attractive Title
  • Attractive Description
  • H1 / H2 tags
  • Image Alt Tags
  • Content Fixing
  • SEO Copywriting
  • Robots.txt
  • Sitemap.xml
  • Static Sitemap
  • Breadcrumb
  • xhtml/w3c Validation
  • Browser Compatibility
  • Page Size and Load Time
  • Canonical Issue Fixing
  • MOD Rewrite
  • Duplicate Content Fixing
  • Broken Link and 404
  • IP location
  • Spider Simulation
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Webmaster Central
  • Script Optimization
  • XML RSS Feeds
  • Spider Friendly Navigation
  • Source Code Optimization
  • Pod Casting
  • Search Engine Reputation Management (SERM)

SEO Analysis, Research and Consulting

The following are the various analysis, research and consulting process of an SEO. They includes,
  • Semantic Analysis
  • Keyword Analysis
  • Website Analysis
  • Position Monitoring
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Industry Analysis
  • Log File Analysis
  • Visitors Behaviors Analysis
  • Goal Assessment
  • Website Auditing
  • Analyzing Existing Promotional Activities
  • Consult on maximizing page conversions
  • Website code / Graphics analysis
  • Web Site Architecture Assessment

13 May 2009

Benefits of Quality Back links

The following are the benefits of good quality back links,
  • More visitors interested in your content and services,
  • Increased visibility.
  • Directly, they help Internet users find your web site in search engines and directories, as well as websites with relevant related content.
  • Indirectly, back links with keywords in it are one of they key factors for full text search engines.

Backlink analysis

  • Backlinks are often the key driver of search rankings for more competitive keywords.
  • The more quality links you have and the more relevant the links are, the better position you get in search engine results.
  • Quality of backlinks is far more important than their quantity. One high quality backlink is often much more useful for improving your rankings than hundreds of low quality links.
  • High quality back link should contain high page rank(7-10), relevant content, should not use no follow attribute, proper keyword has to be used while linking.
  • Link popularity can be analyzed through link popularity, market leap and optilink.

Analyzing Keyword Density

  • While doing keyword optimization, one needs to find balance between density of keywords and readability of the web site.
  • Inadequate usage of keywords can make the text harder to read for users.
  • Hence, keyword density analyzers play a key role in finding the keywords density in our site which can be corrected manually.
  • The following a re the best keyword density analyzing tools, which includes keyword density, web position and search engine world.

keyword Stuffing

keyword stuffing is one of unethical search engine optimization techniques (Black SEO). Some web sites (and few SEO "professionals" as well) believe that massive increasing density of certain keyword - repeating the keyword all over will help web site to improve their organic positions in search engines. They are wrong. Search engines downgrade positions of web sites that use keyword stuffing technique.We recommend you strongly to Avoid it.

Keyword Optimization

  • The keywords are like oxygen,since keywords plays a great role in order to get our site indexed or to get higher rank.Hence we should be careful when suggesting a relevant and popular keywords to our site.
  • Keywords can be analyzed and fetched from any one of the following links,wordtracker, Keyword discovery, open phrases, keyword country, yahoo keyword suggestion tool and overture bid tool.
  • Keyword optimization of web site is aimed at improving organic results for specific keywords in search engines.
  • keyword optimization includes adjustments of META data, building keywords in links, improving text quality and supplementing web site with elements that make it more accessible for web crawlers.

Source Code Optimization for SEO

  • Optimization of HTML code is fundamental for any SEO - Search engine optimization project.
  • Without clean and valid code fully employing relevant attributes search engines' crawlers will have difficulties with correct indexation of your web site.
  • For poorly indexed web sites, it is highly impossible to hold high positions in organic results.
  • For source code or website validation check for w3c validation.

Key Elements of HTML code Optimization

  • Delivering a valid HTML code that complies with web standards,
  • employing separate .CSS file for design,
  • Adding code attributes (i.e.) alt attribute for image tags, which will be facilitating search engines' indexation.
  • Static web sites can be optimized directly - by rewriting their HTML code.
  • Dynamic web sites employing content management systems (CMS) need to be optimized at the CMS level.
  • The CMS system needs to be modified in a way that allows it to generate web pages compliant with web standards.

SEO Analysis of Website

  • SEO analysis is usually seen as the first step on the way to applying current search engine optimization principles.
  • Analysis explains to the client what changes are needed in order to increase traffic through better search engine rankings.
  • SEO analysis is a foundation on which full-scale search engine optimization is built.
  • Search engines regularly update algorithms to keep up with new efforts at gaming their results.
  • To continue placing well a site must both employ robust techniques for durable results and periodically adjust certain SEO elements.

Elements of SEO - Search Engine Optimization

The following are the elements of SEO, which when used properly may lead to higher page ranking and high traffic rate.
  • SEO analysis of web site
  • HTML code,
  • Keyword optimization
  • Importance of Back links
  • Link building campaign
  • Page content

12 May 2009

SEO Basics & it's Key Factors

Key factors to build an effective SEO website Project Plan are as follows,
  • Domain Name - Short names are easier to remember ! Include short Primary Keywords !without hyphens were possible.
  • Domain Extension - .com or .net For the Global Market. Use .co.uk for UK Country specific traffic
  • Host Location - If your attracting UK business host in the UK.
  • URL Names - include relevant keywords - unique to each page.
  • Robots.txt - A file which permits or denies access to robots or crawlers to areas of your site.
  • Navigation Structure - Keep it simple.
  • Meta Tags - Title and Description. - Unique detail for each page, related to page content.
  • H1 Tags - Use for the short on page content description.
  • H2 and H3 Tags- Use for Headings for sub category's within the Content
  • Page Content - Critical Component.
  • Keyword Visibility - Within page Content.
  • Image Alt Tags - Helps with Accessibility.
  • Privacy Policy - Assures trust and confidentiality.
  • The site should confirm to the W3C standards.
  • Create and submit sitemap's - formatted in either .xml -.htm - .txt.
  • Create and submit RSS feeds to relevant feed directory's
  • Create and submit Articles.
  • Find relevant websites within the same market sector or niche and form a link partnership.
  • Submit your website to relevant or industry related directory's.
  • A link exchange should be formed by utilizing relevant keyword Anchor Text.
  • Utilise relevant Social Networks and Forums related to your Market Sector.
  • Utilise Blog sites relevant to your Market Sector.
The above factors are proven SEO Techniques, that will help increase targeted traffic from achieving good or high ranking search engine positions.

Black Hat SEO

Black Hat SEO(Bad techniques) includes,
  • Hidden Text,
  • Optimizing Irrelevant keywords,
  • linking to bad neighbours,
  • keyword stuffing and Doorway or Gateway Pages.
These methods of SEO will reveal very little relevant traffic, bad conversion rates and have a high chance of getting your website banned from the search engine index.

Search engine marketing campaign management

  • Setting up of Google AdWords campaign: Based on your experience with SEM campaigns, analyze keywords for the campaign, prepare multiple ads and put them to Google AdWords system.
  • Analysis and correction of your campaign: Perform analysis of your campaign and keywords used. Prepare report with analysis and recommendations for you or based on our agreement, execute the changes ourselves.
  • Management of SEM campaign:
    Complete management of your Google AdWords campaign. Perform regular assessment of effectiveness of the campaign, keywords analysis, analysis of conversions, cancel low effective and prepare new ads.

Search Engine Results

The search Engine generates it's search result for an search query through these steps,
  • Let the value "X" can be obtained by, Searching the list of pages obtained by searching the entire keyword as phrase.
  • Now the value "Y" cam be obtained by the relativeness and adjacency of the resulting pages for the search query.
  • The value "Z" can be obtained by finding the keyword density of the resulting site in relation to the search query.
  • Let the top 2000 page hits be "A".
  • Now, Page Rank=[A. X+A.Y+A.Z]
  • Out of these results the top 1000 scores will be displayed as the search result.
All these things will happen and processed by search engine within a fraction of seconds to generate the search result for an query made by the searcher.

search engines show two kinds of results. They are,
  1. Organic results/listing
  2. Paid results/sponsored results
Organic results are sorted by relevance of web site as determined by the search engine. SEO - Search engine optimization is aimed at improving organic results of optimized sites. They are usually located in the centre part of the search engine results pages (SERPs).

Paid results, often called sponsored links (Google) or sponsor results (Yahoo) appear together with the organic results. They are served by PPC (pay-per-click) advertising systems of search engines like Google AdWords or Yahoo! Search Marketing. They are usually located on the right side or at the very top of results pages. Paid results are marked by different colour background of by title.

Building organic positions for a new website can take years in the more competitive fields. In contrast, with a sufficient budget, a website can appear in paid results literally within minutes.

Searching the Search Engine(Yahoo!, Google)

Searching the Search Engine using appropriate and relative keywords will fetch us the effective and required results from the Internet.

Hence, searching is one of the effective tool in the perspective of SEO. An good SEO should know how to surf the web via various Search Engine's

So it is must for every SEO to read more about the search engine searching tips and shortcuts of Google and Yahoo!

SEO to improve Usablility & Accessibility of Website

Usability and Accessibility are the most important aspect of any search engine and visitor friendly web site on internet.
  • E-Commerce usability:
    Online shops, reservation portals and other e-commerce websites have special needs in terms of usability and a usability testing could vastly improve a conversion rate of the website (number of visitors finishing the shopping or booking process).
  • User testing:
    User testing with real users is one of the most effective way of improving usability of your website. Procedures for the user testing consist of initial selection of the participants for the test and an entry interviews with the test participants.
  • User personas testing:
    User personas technique is used in simulation of common behaviors how users interact with the web pages and how they reach their goals. Personas are useful in decision-making about the different elements of the website including design, navigation, content, forms and a conversion process.
  • Conversion analysis:
    We analyze conversion process on your web site. Conversion is something every web site is trying: get visitor read certain article, sign up for newsletter, buy product or service, etc.
  • Navigation analysis of web site:
    Simple, effective and easy to learn navigation of web site is the most important usability feature of web site. This applies to all web sites on internet. We will help you improve navigation on your web site.
  • Website Accessibility
    While most web designers work on fast computers and in front of large screens, your visitors may access your website under more difficult conditions. Some use older computers or software, others have slower Internet connection.
    The goal of accessibility services is to make your web site usable for every potential client. Accessibility services will help you expand your target population.

Accessibility - Increases Site Traffic

Web sites not adhering to the accessibility principles create obstacles of various kinds for their visitors. Users confronted by these barriers could leave the web site within a short time frame and look for more accessible web sites.

Accessibility includes,
  1. Easy surfing
  2. Appropriate and relative content
  3. Easy Access, not through compulsory use registration , if so, then simple forms can be given.
  4. Enormous content with relative site links.
Traffic of our site can be seen through Alexa

Usability - Converting visitors to clients

Usability is the most important aspect of any web site on internet. The reason why, is that web sites with low usability qualities loose visitors and therefore often loose business. Highly usable web site keeps its new visitors and converts them to regular visitors and eventually to the customers.

Usability Includes,
  • User Friendly
  • Easy Navigation of sites
  • Visitor should find his need immediately without any delay in surfing the website

Search engine marketing - increasing traffic

Search Engine Marketing through,
  1. Google Adwords,
  2. Yahoo Overture
  3. Other PPC(Pay Per Click)
  4. E-Mail Marketing
  5. Viral Marketing
  • In SEM, adwords, overture and other PPC(Pay Per Click) systems are costly but generate traffic immediately. These ads will shows up in the sponsored results when searched using appropriate keywords.
  • The E-Mail Marketing technique is a cost efficient and strong tool to generate traffic to our site by attracting the visitors to our site by our services, promotions through E-Mails.
  • Viral Marketing is a word of mouth and is totally free. It can be achieved by various social networks, friends groups and communities. It spreads like a virus among the groups or communities.
Within several minutes after Search Engine Marketing (SEM) campaign is set up, traffic will increase and targeted visitors start coming to our site.

SEO - Bringing more visitors

The objective of search engine optimization (SEO) is to increase qualified organic traffic from search engines by improving your web site's position in natural search engine results (Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask and others) and improving its appearance to encourage visitors to click through.

Search engine optimization for correctly selected keywords is one of the keys to increase the no of visitors. Combined with sensitively managed paid Search Engine Marketing, you will get the most cost-effective improvements in search engine traffic.

The various seo techniques such as optimizing source code, creating a seo friendly web page, Analyzing competitors and refining keywords will fetch our page in the top search results. Hence, encouraging the visitors to visit our site thereby bringing more visitors to our site.